Breakfast Ideas for Kids That Are So Much More Than Just Cereal

By: Phoebe Ackland, 31 July 2016

By: Phoebe Ackland, ellaslist

We’ve all heard of the hidden sugar percentages inside many breakfast cereals, and many mums just aren’t satisfied with the nutritional content of traditional morning toast. Here are some ideas to add a bit of colour and variety into your children’s brekkies. They don’t call it the most important meal of the day for nothing!

1. Oats So Delicious

Whole oats, berries and bananas (or whatever fresh fruit you desire) and sprinkled with cinnamon. Maybe even a few chia seeds to pack a bit of protein punch. Whole oats or porridge are the real carbs your body needs – not plain old white bread or sugary rice-pops. Not only that, but with some fresh fruit and cinnamon, this is a taste sensation!


2. Brekkie Smoothie

Why not try a breakfast smoothie? A fruit and milk smoothie can be bulked up with some good quality muesli or oats. It’s a great way to pack in fruit and veg in a smooth and delicious drink. Sweeten with honey, cinnamon and maybe some plain yoghurt. Bananas are a great option to include!

brekky smoothie

3. Egg-cellent

Omelettes are awesome for kids and adults (and super easy to make). Hide some veggies inside- like mushrooms, capsicum, tomato, spinach, onion, or any veggie really- the more the merrier! Some cheese will make it extra tasty, and even some ham if you’re in the mood for a super-brekky!


4. Morning Treat

Make your own pancakes – kids will just love this! Use wholemeal flour and lots of banana to make this one a healthy choice. Serve with more fresh fruit and honey, or even some good quality maple syrup for a healthy treat.

5. Yoghurt with Class

Dress up Natural greek yoghurt with chia seeds and cut up fruit. Sweeten with honey and/or cinnamon. The combination of the creamy yoghurt with banana, strawberries, and raspberries in particular is just delicious.


6. Jumping Beans

Get exciting by making your own baked beans! Its best to stay away from cans as they often contain a lot of sugar! Beans in a nice tomato based sauce will provide the perfect side to some eggs and veggies (and maybe a little chorizo for the non-vegos). Lots of delicious home-made baked bean recipes here.


7. Make It Corny

Corn fritters are another healthy brekky fave. And when you make them yourself, you know exactly what goes into them! Filled with corn (and maybe some extra veggies), and served with smashed avo and a little smoked salmon will make your child feel like they’re at a gourmet restaurant. Here are a few recipes for corny inspiration.

More Tasty Breakfast Ideas
