Dad Turns Toys Into Mad Max Cars

By: Phoebe Ackland, 09 May 2017

By: Phoebe Ackland, ellaslist

Mad Max fans make the coolest dads ever.

Check out the straight-off-the-set-looking cars that Ian Pfaff has constructed for his kids- made out of stuff he finds around the house! From espresso machines to old computer equipment and even an old breast pump, these Little Tykes kid's cars turned badass monster trucks were inexpensive to make and look absolutely incredible. Mumma Emily Pfaff even creates costumes for her kids to wear whilst they drive their epic wheels, and they look like they could be in the next Mad Max film.

Ian's pretty much the coolest dad ever, we think. He told Buzzfeed: "The reaction to the mobiles has been great. Our friends and family love it, and I enjoy seeing people get a kick out of them." Junior (one of their children), despite not having seen the movie, still enjoys getting in her car, and chasing the family pug around. Junior, according to Buzzfeed, was born on the eve of the release of Mad Max: Fury Road, meaning Ian didn't actually get to see it as planned! 

We think the Pfaff's are going to have to pump out a few more little ones. “I have more boxes full of junk and I’m ready to build a fleet!”

Check them out:

Photos courtesy of Ian Pfaff. 


