How To Get Some Sneaky Goodness Into Cheeky Toddlers

By: ellalist team, 25 July 2017

By: Alex Harmon, ellaslist

Ah threenagers! I always thought that word was a bit of a gimmick, it just sounds so hilarious that it couldn't possibly be true. Well, it's been three weeks since my son hit the big 3 and he is most definitely displaying all the traits - the attitude, the mood swings, the back-talking - and worst of all - the pickiness when it comes to his food. He was always such a good eater, loved his vegetables, complimented me on my cooking, "oooh deeeee-lishus" and never said no to trying something new. But now? Oh now is a whole other story. His once beloved broccoli is met with "disgusting", he has a whole new range of disgusted facial expressions when I offer him something new and I can really tell he is  enjoying pushing my buttons. That's what teenagers, sorry, threenagers do, right? 


A Healthy Chocolate Snack

While I haven't given up all hope that my dream-eater is gone for good, right now I'm all for disguising some nutrition into his diet (which if he has it his way consists of cheesy pasta, raisin toast and chocolate cake - yes, he's been celebrating his birthday for far too long!). Although I would prefer him to eat wholefoods, while the stalemate continues, I'm happy to outsmart him with some sneaky tactics. 

WelleCo Kids Nourishing Protein is a certified organic and safe plant protein formula to supplement kids health - and it comes in chocolate flavour. If there's one thing fussy kids will always eat, it's something chocolate flavoured! 

The product description asks, "does your child fit one of these traits: They don’t want meat. It’s a fight to have bite of broccoli. All they want is pasta with cheese." To be honest when this product landed on my desk a few weeks I go, I foolishly laughed. My son doesn't need a meal replacement powder, he looooooves his broccoli!, I boasted! Well, I must have jinxed myself that day as it was all downhill from there. He fits what it says on the tin! 

Invisible Nutrition

The Kryptonite for fussy eaters is almost always a chocolate shake. While my son didn't want to eat the nutritious meal I prepared for his dinner, he jumped for joy at the chance to try my 'super-dooper choccy shake'. In it I blended up almond milk, frozen banana, a dash of honey as I wasn't sure how sweet the powder would be, and a scoop of the WelleCo Kids Nourishing Protein.

My son couldn't contain his excitement - probably because I had never made him a chocolate shake at home before, it's usually something that he would get as a treat when we're out and about. So this seemed like an extra special treat. Needles to say he loved it and had no idea that it contained pomegranate, broccoli, apple, pumpkin and beetroot. He would have died knowing that it contained pumpkin - he's never been a fan of that one, even in the good old non-fussy days! 

Give Me The Goods

While there is quite a bit of sugar in this tin, albeit Certified Organic Coconut Sugar, which is better than most of the sugary products on the shelves, there's also loads of good things that offset the bad: 

Protein: This is vital for brain development, organ function, muscle repair and a healthy immune system making it crucial for growth and development during childhood.

Probiotics: These are an essential building block of proper gut health and can help with digestion and restoring balance when your little one has been sick or on a course of antibiotics.

Minerals and Vitamins: The powder contains substances such as magnesium, iron, folic acid, vitamins A, C, and B, and extracts derived from whole foods.

Strong Immunity: Adding a scoop of this supplement can promote stronger immunity levels in kids.

The Details

Kids Nourishing Protein (chocolate flavour): $30 for a 500g tin. 

Serving suggestions: In the shake as described above; mix it up with some yoghurt for a chocolate-y dessert, or blend with milk and banana and freeze into ice-blocks.

What about Mums: You too can look like creator Elle McPherson (ha, we can dream!) by trying the THE SUPER ELIXIR™ Nourishing Protein Powder in your daily shakes, or the green smoothie-loving Alkalising Formula which if you use for seven days gives your skin the alkaline glow! 

For more information: visit Welleco

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