Jules Sebastian Loves ABC Reading Eggs, & She Wants You To Try It Too!

By: ellalist team, 26 July 2017

By: Lisa Wolff & Phoebe Ackland, ellaslist 

Jules Sebastian does it all! An incredible stylist, blogger, and host of the online series Tea With Jules, Jules is also a busy mum of two little boys called Hudson and Archie...oh, and she's married to Aussie pop sensation Guy Sebastian, which doesn't hurt. 

Jules is a massive fan of the ABC Reading Eggs program - the award-winning learn to read program which has been used by 10-million children worldwide. Her son Hudson has been using its fun interactive games and activities to get himself school-ready, and he's already started to read simple words and sentences! We asked Jules about her family's experiences with Reading Eggs and how life's going with all her boys at home. 

ellaslist: In your experience, how does ABC Reading Eggs instil a love of reading in kids from a young age?

Jules Sebastian: It’s great for young kids as it’s a really good online program, I’m so glad I discovered it! I think as a parent technology is one of those things you have to keep an eye on, so it’s wonderful that this is something kids can do online which is also educational and helps prepare them for school and continues to help after they’ve started.

Hudson likes how the program is easy to follow and gets really chuffed about how much he can now recognise words. He’s really motivated to go through the online books and all the activities and likes the competitive nature of going up levels and getting rewards. He loves it – he thinks of it as a great game!

ellaslist: How did Reading Eggs help your son Hudson and can you see the benefits now that he is in the classroom?

JS: I think it was good to pre-empt some of the things taught at school by Hudson getting a bit of a head start with the program. It’s strengthened his communication and reading skills which is really helpful considering all the different things he’s now doing and learning at school.

ellaslist: What does Hudson love best about doing Reading Eggs?

JS: Mostly the element of it being competitive. Whenever he climbs up another level he’ll come and tell me about it. He just loves that sense of achievement and seeing the characters dance at the end of each task is a fun affirmation for him.

ellaslist: When do you find the time to do ABC Reading Eggs with Hudson given your busy lifestyle?

JS: I find it’s a nice thing for Hudson to do at the end of the day, especially if I’m by myself and I’m reading Archie a story or having a shower! It’s a relief knowing he’s doing something educational. I’ll check in on him doing it from time to time, but he’s mostly fine to navigate it himself.

ellaslist: Any tips for other mums to encourage their kids to develop a love for reading?

JS: It’s a good idea for mums to read regularly to their kids from early on. We’ve been reading to our kids since birth, and now at age three, Archie is already interested in books. He’ll pull out a book and go through it and memorise the lines.

ellaslist: How involved is Guy with the reading to your two boys?

JS: Guy’s always been very active in reading to the boys. He’s also very creative in the delivery – he’ll often make up additional stories himself about the characters and sometimes even throw in a song! The boys love it.

ellaslist: What are your boys' favourite books?

JS: Archie loves 'Goodnight Moon' and he’s obsessed with 'The Three Little Pigs'. Hudson’s tastes are changing now he’s in school. They do library time and last week he brought a book home about chess! He also loves Animalia.

Learn To Read For FREE In 5 Weeks

Like the sound of Reading Eggs? For a limited time, your kids can  learn to read for FREE in just five weeks! Ages 3-13 will actually have fun as they learn essential reading and comprehension skills, and you could be part of the 91% of parents who report a noticeable improvement in their child’s reading ability within weeks. Until 3 September 2017, claim your free 5-week trial by visiting the website. 

