Kids Fly High at Sky Zone Trampoline Park!

By: Serina Hajje, 31 May 2016

By: Helena Leung, ellaslist explorer

The next time a mother tells me her kids are “bouncing off the furniture” or “driving her up the wall” I’ll cheerfully tell her that she should take them to Skyzone.

What is Sky Zone?

Sky Zone is a truly amazing trampoline park, specifically designed for kids and adults of all ages to leap, bound, jump, climb and flip to their hearts content.


My family of four, including Miss 7 and Miss 5, were invited to experience a V.I.P tour of the Sky Zone facilities down at Westfield Miranda. Sally, a super friendly and experienced Sky Zone manager was there to show us the ropes and despite our (my) lack of athletic ability she soon had us all jumping around like toddlers high on red cordial.

Skyzone 1

Jump, Jump!

Our visit was split into two parts: a visit to the Jump Zone and a visit to Sky Climb. At the Jump Zone we took the advice of Kris Kross and “Jump! Jump!”-ed our way over 100 interconnected trampolines. The basic jump zone, or Stratosphere, is smartly divided into a small kids jumping area and a big kids area, to avoid the littlies being catapulted to infinity and beyond.


Other highlights we enjoyed in the Jump Zone included:

  • Sky Slam – Where you can test your basketball dunking skills. My husband is no Kobe Bryant, but at Skyzone he lived his NBA dunking dreams!

  • Obstacle Challenges – Where you can fight an opponent gladiator style and be the first to push them into a foam pit, or try to climb a wobbly ladder before it upturns and sends you falling.

Skyzone 3

Safety first

You’d think that with dozens of bodies flying around there’d bound to be some smacking of heads, but each zone is well supervised by a team of yellow clad “Flight Attendants” who enthusiastically yell cheers of encouragement and make sure all bouncers are following the Sky Zone rules. All our encounters with the staff were exceptionally positive – their smiles, their loud happy voices, straight out of a Berocca TV ad!


Skyzone 2

Climb, Climb!

After jumping our legs silly we were off to the Sky Climb area. An instructor gave us an overview on how to use our safety harnesses and we were then encouraged to climb a variety of colourful and creative climbing walls, with the aid of an automatic braking system. Miss 5 led the way, fearlessly scaling a wall many times her height. Cautious Miss 7 took a while to warm up, but was soon clambering up and overtaking her sister. My personal favourite was the wall that looked like The Wall from Game of Thrones, complete with wooden ice-picks to aid your climb. (I also had a brief conversation with one of the instructors regarding the latest episode – Hodor!) But I digress…


Skyzone 4

Sky Drop and The Leap of Faith

So, I didn’t bring my husband along for nothing. Too chicken to try either of these ominous sounding activities, I let my braver family members take the plunge for me while I observed for journalistic purposes.


  • Sky Drop – Imagine hanging onto a metal bar while being mechanically pulled backwards up a terrifically steep incline that starts with a brief vertical free fall. No thank you. But Miss 5 and 7 both gave it a go, and loved it!

  • The Leap of Faith – My hands are sweaty just typing this. Hubby volunteered to climb up a ladder roughly two and a half storeys high, perch himself on a tiny platform and leapt out to catch a big orange punching bag. Adrenalin junkies, this is for you!!



Skyzone 5

The Verdict

My family looooooved Sky Zone and already want to go and visit the other centre at Alexandria. We would recommend this activity for anyone really. The kids will have an awesome time, jumping around, expending energy and the adults can either sit back with a coffee, or get involved themselves. Think of all those steps you could rack up on your Fitbit! The best thing about jumping at Sky Zone is that it is a healthy activity that the family can enjoy together while whooping with laughter. I can’t think of many other activities that tick all these boxes so well.
(And a special shout out to Sally, who gave us such fantastic individual attention. We really appreciated it!)

Skyzone 6


Sky Zone Tips



  • Sky Zone can get REALLY busy so it’s best to book ahead to avoid being disappointed. Check the Sky Zone website for special deals.

  • Jumpers MUST wear Sky Zone grip socks ($2 at the counter.) Once purchased, you can bring them each time you visit.

  • No food is allowed into Sky Zone, but you can purchase yummy snacks like hot chips, muffins, banana bread and ham and cheese toasties. Oh, and coffee!

  • Sky Zone is the perfect INDOOR activity, no matter what the weather is like outside.

  • Sky Zone caters for parties and takes the headache out of organising something unique that your kids will love.



Visit these pages for more information on Sky Zone Trampoline Parks in Alexandria and Miranda, their Sky Zone Little Leapers under 5s program and our Explorer Review, their Sky Zone School Holiday Camps and Sky Zone Birthday Parties.
