❛Pawternity Leave❜ Is Now A Thing - We❜re Not Yanking Your Chain!

By: Alex Harmon, 14 June 2018

By: Alex Harmon, ellaslist

I have a friend who thought he should be entitled to maternity leave he brought home his new puppy. He tells me he "gets it" when I talk about the baby keeping me up in the night or the toddler with boundless energy. "Oh yes it's just like my dog," he says, stone-faced. I can't wait to tell him about the new 'pawternity leave' that a Scandinavian company is offering its staff. 

The company, Musti Group, which is based in Norway, Sweden and Finland, has a pet leave plan available to its employees if they adopt a new pet. The company has around 1,500 employees and 90 percent of which are pet owners.

How Much Time Off With Toto?

Well, it's not exactly the 18 weeks that my friend might be envisioning... the deal is for three days of leave and is designed to help new pet parents show their adopted companions love and get them settled in.

"Pets always come first in everything we do, and that’s why pawternity leave is a natural step in developing our culture," David Rönnberg, CEO of the Musti Group, said in a statement. "Adopting a pet is a significant decision and changes everyday life considerably. We want to support our employees during their first days with their new family member and ensure that they can enjoy those precious moments to the fullest."

A Verso Learning employee with her pooch. Via news.com.au

What About Our Furry Friends?

Down under the movement is making some traction with one Melbourne start-up offering up to five days of carer’s leave if their pet is sick, injured or needing care. If you have qualifications in education you might want to consider an application at Verso Learning - they also encourage their staff to bring their pets to work, and they receive two days of bereavement leave if their pet dies.

The concept it also taking off in the UK and India. 

So, what are you waiting for? Tell your boss! It's sure to get tongues wagging....
