Sloshed Mermaids: There❜s An Underwater Winery!

By: Phoebe Ackland, 20 July 2017

By: Phoebe Ackland, ellaslist

Ariel would be so proud....There's an underwater winery in Croatia, taking it to number one on your travel bucket list!

Edivo Vina offers a seriously incredible booze experience. Basically, in Drače on the peninsula of Pelješa, this winery stores its wine under the sea! According to Brides, it is first aged on land for 3 months, bottled in glass, corked, covered in two layers of rubber, and enclosed in terracotta amphorae (which is a clay jug with two handles and a narrow neck). The amphorae are then layered into padlocked cages, and lowered into the sparkling Adriatic sea. Seven hundred days later, the cages are lifted out of the water, the amphorae decorated in sea shells, and winery visitors can have a totally Instagrammable glass of wine, fresh from the sea at one of the winery's two nearby wine bars. 


Underwater Alcohol Adventures

If you're a total mermaid, you can even take one of Edivo Vina's scuba diving adventures down to where the wine is lying on the sea floor 18-25 metres below land, past a sunken ship!

But why underwater? It's an unconventional method, but according to Lonely Planet, it gives the wine a distinctive pinewood aroma, without losing any of its colour or quality. The rubber encasing the glass bottles means that seawater won't seep through and ruin your drop. According to the owners, this under the sea process "provides natural cooling in ideal conditions and the perfect silence underwater improves the quality." 


The Ultimate Date Night

After you've drained the contents of your amphora (or three), the jug, covered in seashells and corals, will be the ultimate souvenir to leave Croatia with. Could this be the ultimate date day or night? We're thinking this trip is definitely one the requires a babysitter!

