This Little Trick Is Said To Transform Your Relationship

By: Lisa Wolff, 28 August 2017

By: Emily O'Brien, ellaslist

Have you ever been so drained at the end of the day that you haven’t even acknowledged your partner has walked through the front door? (We’re guilty ourselves.) Sometimes in the midst of the kids running around, trying to get dinner on, not forget about changing over the laundry, answering emails, greetings get lost in the shuffle.

We stumbled upon the wonderful Katie M. McLaughlin at Pick Any Two who wrote about how This Magic Trick Can Completely Transform Your Relationship in a Single Day and we’re giving it a go!

And The Trick Is....

Katie’s magic trick is so simple: incorporate warm hellos and goodbyes.  Stop for a few seconds, make eye contact and ask how their day was. Let your partner know you’re grateful they’re with you. How we welcome and part from each other sets the tone for how we think about each other. Show them they are valued.

Author Gretchen Rubin takes this idea even further saying that sometimes we feel the way we act (unlike the reverse like we often think). This follows the theory of projecting happiness when you're feeling down to turn your mood around. So try offering kindness and affection toward your partner at different hello/goodbye moments throughout the day and see if you notice a positive shift in your relationship.

Take It A Step Further

Warm hellos and goodbyes can be done with anyone! Try it with your kids and office mates, or other people you encounter throughout the day.
