Watch This: The Hilarious Parent Rap

By: Lisa Wolff, 17 May 2016

By: Lisa Wolff, ellaslist

I just watched the most hilarious video. The Parent Rap has been around for about three years and took the internet by storm when its maker – Bluefish TV – released this brilliant parody of how ‘uncool’ us parents have become. It’s had over 3.3-million views on YouTube.

My eldest is only four so I was probably knee deep in nappies when this YouTube sensation first burst onto the scene, which is probably why I completely missed it.

So just in case, like me, you haven’t see the Parent Rap before, make sure you watch it below. It’s so funny and oh so true!

Video Source: Bluefish TV

These Lyrics are Spot-ON

"We used to be cool!
Back in the day, back on the block
Watching PG-13 movies, staying up way after dark
Then we had a couple shorties
And now we’re really flossy
Cause now we be rollin’ with our own little possie
In the mini van
Or in our little wagon
Let me throw it to the moms
Cause the little one is saggin’

I used to bling it up, I used to dress real shrewd
Now I accessorize with food that’s already been chewed
And that’s all right
I make this diaper bag look good
When I’m walking through the mall tryin’ to wrangle my brood
My PB&Js will set your world on fire
I could make you mac-n-cheese blindfolded on a wire
I’m wiping the do-do
Kissin’ the booboos
Got them eyes in the back of my head, I see all you do.
Using your full name so you know I ain’t playin’
And that’s why all my kiddo’s, they keep sayin’"
