Need a cleaner? ellaslist tests Helpling

By: Lisa Wolff, ellaslist

When my husband and I were first dating, I remember asking the essential questions -
“are you open to marriage”, “do you want kids?”, “do you have a cleaner?”. The answers- yes, yes, no! The sirens went off in my head. I could already forsee the relationship crumbling over toast crumbs all over the floor.

So, it didn’t take me long to convince my man that a good cleaner was an essential part of a happy marriage. Forgo a dinner or movie out and you’ve already got the cash for a clean. It’s a tiny sacrifice to avoid those Sunday evening – “it’s your turn to clean the filthy bathroom” battles. And now, with kids, it’s even more essential. Our budget is squeezed to the max but we’d rather have that extra time with our kids then spend our weekends cleaning the house.

When my colleague, Mel, mentioned that she doesn’t have a cleaner, I launched into a rant as to how life-changing it is to outsource the cleaning chores. I think I convinced her, but she was a bit doubtful about the process to find a reputable cleaner. Too-hard basket! And how do you know if the cleaner is a criminal in disguise?

I had heard of a company called Helpling which matches cleaners with people who need a clean – almost like a dating service for hygiene. So we contacted them as I thought it would make a great story to review the service as I’m sure many of our readers would have the same doubts as Mel.

So over to you Mel….

What is Helpling?  
Helpling is an online platform that connects users with independent cleaners they call ‘Helplings’. You can book a trusted local cleaner for a one-off clean or schedule a regular cleaner in just 3 clicks.

Why we think Helplings is a great idea
Let’s face it, disposable income is a non-existent word in the vast majority of Sydney family households these days! For many of us, a cleaner is just not a justifiable expense. Though Helping just might be more accessible than you think. With hourly rates ranging from $27-29, the price might not be as out of range as you think, even if it’s just a couple of hours once a month to save your sanity!

Helpling’s recruitment process includes Police Checks and an interview which alleviated one of my major concerns of having a stranger in my home. Cleaners on the Helpling team also need ABN and public liability insurance.

What ellaslist really loves is that they also have a rating system, meaning the ‘Helplings’ are highly incentivized to keep standards high. If a cleaner gets a bad review, first time round they are given feedback and the opportunity to improve. If they get a second bad rating, they’re out!

ellaslist puts Helpling to the test
The only time our household has the luxury of  a cleaner is my mum’s annual visit from overseas so I was pretty excited at the opportunity of a 3 hour clean!

Anyone that knows me well enough, knows I flit between borderline OCD and complete chaos. What no-one tells any of us before becoming a mum, is that something so small could create so much mess!

The Booking Process
The online booking process was super easy. You are swiftly guided through the pricing and options based on the size of your home. We were quickly signed up and the cleaner was booked in.  I immediately received an email confirmation and text message confirming my "Helpling" would be arriving from 8am to 11am on my preferred day…woo hoo!

The Arrival
Our Helpling arrived bang on time and was all smiles, even if I did make her slightly nervous as I snapped photos of her arriving laden with cleaning gear. She immediately asked me to show her around and asked what needed to be done and didn’t appear to be in the slightest bit phased by the chaos and mess surrounding us!

The Clean
Our lovely Helpling cleaned around us with no fuss as we commenced the mammoth task of wrangling a toddler out of the house. I knew we were onto a winner when she emerged out of our tiny bathroom after 50 mins of scrubbing and had cleaned literally every tile, nook and cranny.

She was polite, thorough and nothing was left untouched. Underneath the beds and sofas were dust free, mirrors were sparkling, shine sparkled on floors and walls, not to mention all the little extra touches like cleaning the blinds for the first time in five years and even tidying up the kids book shelves!

What we did with all that extra time
Not only was it wonderful to know our home was being magically transformed while we were out, but even better, we got to spend some rare precious time together as a family without the interruption of daily chores. We enjoyed a stress-free morning at the beach, running around after each other on ice-cream sugar highs!

The verdict
Overall the service exceeded our expectation. If all the Helplings are as wonderful as ours then we believe that this service will be a fabulous addition to your life and sanity, even if it’s just a one off treat every now and then!



The cost of cleaning becomes even more affordable with an offer we’ve negotiated with our friends at Helpling. Check out the code below to receive 30% off your next household clean.



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