Gymbaroo: It Ticks All Our Boxes

By: Phoebe Ackland, 26 November 2016

By: Hayley Dean, ellaslist explorer

When my first-born came along, I immediately became everything I never thought I would be. Thanks to those amazing hormones, I cried uncontrollably on his third day of life at the mere thought of him leaving me to attend school. Yes, before his arrival I was that vocal, judgmental non-parent who swore they were never going to co-sleep, who cringed at the thought of the Wiggles and thought Playschool was just where retired Home and Away actors went to live. But then he came along. This stunningly beautiful bundle of joy made me feel like I’d finally found the answer to a question that I never realised even needed one.


Diving In

I was used to being busy and social. Knowing this, my partner booked Patrick and I into a bunch of baby classes I’d never heard of before to ensure we got out of the house. Gymbaroo was one such class. We started when he was 8 weeks old. We dived in with gusto and that’s the way it’s been ever since.



In Good Hands

Now when it comes to Gymbaroo, I’m a hot mess, I mean, l’ll be honest, trying to get out the door on time to attend any organised event these days, with two kids under three, instantly puts me in the hot mess category on any given day. Take yesterday for example, with all the best intentions of arriving on time, there was a toileting issue, a missing toy issue, an outfit change required, a second outfit disaster…. You know the drill.
But even with all this going on, I wasn’t the slightest bit stressed about being late – why? Because the people that run Gymbaroo have BEEN THERE before and believe me when I tell you, they understand parenting and they understand kids.



All- Inclusive

Unlike many other children’s programs that we have been involved in, one of the best things about Gymbaroo is just how unpretentious it really is; stars not aligning to make class on Tuesday? No worries- come on Thursday. Baby not really feeling it in class today? No worries, just take a seat over there and when/if you’re ready, step back in. Embarrassed (and here’s the big deterrent for many) about the thought of singing and dancing in front of others? No worries, so is everyone! Thankfully your darling babe loves your voice regardless. Furthermore, the adults on the mats are a wonderful array of Mums, Dads, Grandparents, Au pairs, and Aunts/Uncles all there with their special little person. Yes, this is one program that is really inclusive of all and not simply another Mothers Group variation.



Gymbaroo Ticks All The Boxes

It’s a funny thing to admit but coming to the 45min Gymbaroo class each week really made me feel like I was ticking some “good mummy” boxes. The program has been designed to bring out the best in your bub from the age of 6 weeks to 5 years. The activities focus on age appropriate neurological development, movement, fun, learning, health and social skills. If you’ve got music covered at something like Nursery time at the local library and language through story’s at bedtime then I like to think of Gymbaroo as a sort of comprehensive version of PE class that holds the key to unlocking future learning potential. I’ve learnt how to provide supporting guidance to my son(s) without being a helicopter.


It’s a tried and tested, well-oiled machine that works.


Here’s What We Like About Gymbaroo

  • FREE trial class

  • Can attend a make up class anytime that suits

  • The classes are age appropriate

  • It’s not just for Mum; so Dads, Grandparents, Aunts/Uncles, Nannies can all attend with your child

  • You will see results as your child grows and develops





  • Forget about ironing your matching parachute trackies, there are no fashion faux pas here

  • Class time is also a wonderful opportunity to help your little one learn about having patience, waiting for ones turns and respect for others. Truth be told I learnt a lot in those early days from watching other parents…both good and bad ;)

  • It helps burn off loads of energy for toddlers and is a great way to get little ones to sleep too



  • Timetables are varied enough that you will find a class that works around sleeps

  • There is support material online that you can follow along with at home

  • Operating (globally) right around Australia, you’re sure to find a centre near you and no doubt, make a new friend or two

  • Best of all, it’s a great support base for you and your child


If you have been thinking about trying something new with you little person then I recommended you give this a go. With a FREE trial class, you literally have nothing to lose.
Find your local Gymbaroo centre by visiting their website.

