Mums Fitness Academy Pre and Postnatal Personal Training, Rushcutters Bay

Specialised baby friendly and flexible service to help you enjoy being a busy healthy, happy mum.

Mums Fitness Academy help mums

Enjoy a healthy pregnancy

Prepare for the birth of your baby with safe and effective prenatal exercise to help you enjoy a healthy pregnancy, prepare for optimal labour experience, reduce pregnancy complications and weight gain, give baby a healthy start in life and bounce back better after baby.

Get ‘Yourself’ back after baby, only Better

Being a Mum is such a special, wonderful time in your life but also physically and emotionally challenging. Being fit, healthy and strong will help you not only look and feel good about yourself, it will help you to enjoy being a busy Mum with more vitality.

It’s not just about losing the baby weight, we want to help mums:

  • Regain a sense of self in a hectic time devoted to baby
  • Invest a small amount of time in ‘you’ and your wellbeing
  • Feel strong to live and carry your baby ache and pain-free
  • Feel more energised to deal with the long nights and busy days
  • Re-strengthen your core and pelvic floor after baby
  • and of course, look good in your clothes again

Mention ellaslist and Book A FREE Post Baby Assessment Session,  this includes:

  • A review of your post-baby body current fitness
  • Learn 3 important exercises for pelvic floor and core strength
  • Understand how to get back into exercise safely
  • Take home a simple postnatal exercise program

You and your baby will be in safe hands

The fabulous Timo Topp is the founder of Mums Fitness Academy. Timo is tertiary educated with 20 years experience and has undertaken specialised physio-based training to understand safe and correct exercise needs of the pre and postnatal mum. Timo is also a qualified Dad so will easily help with your bub so you can exercise in peace and has on occasion been referred to as the baby whisperer!

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  • Mums & Bubs

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